Bar Bending Schedule (BBS)

The structural members (beams, columns, footing, slab, pier caps, etc.) are reinforced with the steel bars according to design requirement. The cutting of these bars is based upon the bar bending schedule which is made on the site. The reinforcing bars are cut cold. These bars  are neither welded nor flame cut. Though it may sound difficult to make a bar bending schedule but its very easy to prepare a bar bending schedule. General details which are to be read before preparing bar bending schedule.

  1. Check the units(mm, cm, m, foot, inches) of the dimensions.
  2. Do not scale any dimension.
  3. Check the grade of the concrete to be used in the casting of structural member.
  4. All the drawing are to be read in the conjunction with relevant architectural and structural drawings.
  5. Lap length is denoted by Ld.
  6. Lap should be avoided as far as possible. If we have to give lap then the following criteria is followed
    a) Laps should be staggered and  not more than 50% bars are to lapped at one place.
    b) Laps in floor slab/beam close to mid span for bottom reinforcement and to close to support for top reinforcement shall be avoided.
    c) Laps in raft slab/beams close to mid span for top reinforcement and close to support for bottom reinforcement shall be avoided.
  7. Spacer bar is provided in the beams between the layers of reinforcement where there is more than one layer of reinforcement. Spacer bar shall be provided of bar with greater diameter. Normally it is provided at 1500 c/c distance.
  8. For lapping of bars with different diameter, lap length is considered as per bar of smaller diameter.
  9. Open end of stirrups shall be on opposite faces for alternate stirrups. The length of the hook of stirrup is equal to 10d. (here d is diameter of bar).
  10. All stirrups should have 135 degree hooks.
