
Cement play a vital role in construction industry. It binds the aggregates (coarse and fine) with help of water making a stiff paste known as concrete.Cement should be grayish black in color, smooth when rubbed against fingers and cool. Cement is used for making concrete and mortar. Cement bags are available in packing size of 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg, 50kg. According to BIS, the wastage in conventional jute bags is limited to 4%. Acceptance criteria for the test results of cement is specified in IS 8112. The procedure for testing of cement is specified in IS 4031 (Part I to Part XV). The main test conducted on cement as specified below:
  1. Crushing Strength
  2. Fineness Test
  3. Setting Time
  4. Consistency of Cement
  5. Soundness
Cement is of three grade i.e
  1. OPC-33
  2. OPC-43
  3. OPC-53

NOTE: OPC-53 and OPC-43 cement is used commercial projects whereas OPC-33 is used in residential projects

Cement is made mainly of argillaceous clay and calcareous lime stone materials. These materials are further processed(crushing, grinding in ball mills, preheating, grinding of clinkers in ball mills)  to obtained the cement.
Cement is stored either in silos or in a cool and dry place. The cement bags should be place above the ground i.e on the planks and there should be stacking of not more than 5 to 7 bags and space of half cement bags is left in between rows for the movement of person.


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