OBJECTIVE: To determine the cement compressive strength of mortar cubes compacted by means of standard vibration machine.

APPARATUS: balance of 0.1gm accuracy: standard vibration machine, standard weights, gauging trowel, standard sand conforming to zone-1,2 and 70.6mm square cube mold, poking rod with rounded at one end, evaporation dish and graduated glass measuring jar.

1.      Take a representative cement sample to be tested with a sample driver.
2.      Take 200gm of cement and mix with 200gm each of the zones of standard testing sand which make quantity to cast one cube.
3.      Place it on non porous plate and mix it dry for one minute with trowel until the mix is of uniform colour.
4.      Take water content of (p/4+3) percent, where p is the water required to prepare a paste of standard consistency.
5.      Mix it well for three minutes to obtain a uniform colour of mixture, if this time exceeds 4 minutes reject the mixture and take a fresh one.
6.      Apply a thin coating of petroleum jelly to the cube moulds and all faces of corners.
7.      Place the mould on the vibrating machine and clamp it top hold firmly.
8.      Attach a hopper of suitable size securely at the top of the mould to facilitate filling of mould.
9.      Immediately after mixing place the mortar in the mould, prod the mortar at the edge for 20 times to eliminate entrapped air and honey combing.
10.  Place the remaining mortar in the hopper of the cube mould, prod again ,and then compact the mortar by vibration for two times.
11.  Remove the mould together with base plate from vibrating machine and finish the top surface by smoothening with trowel.
12.  Keep the filled moulds in moist closet or moist room for 24 hours after completion of vibration.
13.  After the time elapsed, de-mould the cubes and submerge immediately in water for the specified/required time of curing.

14.  Test three moulds for each age of testing as specified in the relevant specification.
