Fine Aggregates (Sand)

Aggregates passing through 4.75 mm sieve(BIS sieve number 4) and retained on 75μm sieve (BIS sieve number 200) are termed as fine aggregate. According to particle size fine aggregate are classified as Zone I, Zone II, Zone III, Zone IV(coarser to finer). Zone II and Zone III fine aggregates are used in making concrete because they absorb less water as compared to fine aggregates of zone 1. They are used in making concrete and mortar. The acceptance criteria for for the fine aggregates is specified in IS 383:1970. The procedure for testing the fine aggregates is mentioned in IS 2386. There are six test of fine aggregates :
1. Silt and Clay by volume
2. Gradation
3. Bulking of Sand
4. Organic Impurities
5. Specific Gravity
